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All Courses
CAD/CAM Fundamentals
Design Thinking
Use of 3D Printers in Different Sectors
Solid modelling for beginners with Freecad
3D Modeling with Autodesk 3D
3D Scanning
Introduction to 3D Modeling
3D Printing
Brochure Design using InDesign
Infographic design using Illustrator
Photoshop 2
Photoshop Basics
Adobe Illustrator ile Kurumsal Kimlik Oluşturma
Visual Design principles
Preparing Images for Web Using GIMP
lnfographic design using Canva
Digital Promotion
Introduction to HTML 5-3
Introduction to HTML 5-2
Introduction to HTML 5-1
WordPress 3
Adobe Spark
Website WordPress (2)
Web Site WordPress
Basics of programming
Mobile App Development (2)
IOS programming with Swift
Introduction to Mobile Programming with App Inventor
Python programming for SMEs-2
Python programming for SMEs-1
Bookkeeping Using Excel
Circular Mail
OpenOffice Writer
Introduction to Database – Microsoft Access
Introduction to Database - OpenOffice Base
Pivot tables and reporting in Excel
Raspberry Pi 3
Raspberry pi-2
Introduction to Microcontrollers with Arduino-3
Introduction to Microcontrollers with Arduino-2
Raspberry pi-1
Basic Electronic
Introduction to Microcontrollers with Arduino
Introduction to Cloud Technologies with Google Drive
Odoo (OpenERP) Entegre İş Yönetim Uygulaması
Online Form Development
PM Software (Project Libre)
Teleconferencing tools for businesses
Product Photography
Photo Editing with Lightroom
Da Vinci Resolve
Video recording techniques – wedding videos
Movie Maker ile Video Düzenleme
Audio Production and Editing Using Audacity
Photography techniques 2
Photography techniques
Digital Photograph Editing with Picasa
Data Security and Data Recovery in Computer
Internet Security
Arama Motoru Optimizasyonu (SEO) - 2
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) -1
Online Advertising
Social Media for Your Business
Complaint Management Basics
Crisis management / Post Traumatic Stress
Conflict Resolution skills
Customer relations
Marketing and Communication
Certification Processes for SMEs
Coping with Problematic People
Stress Management in Organizations (organizations in balance)
Google Slides (Effective presentation preparation and presentation techniques)
Personal Stress Management
Management Skills/Leadership
Financial Supports for SMEs
Key to Technology and Productivity: Innovative Firms
Brand Creation / Branding
International Trade
Intellectual Property Rights (Patent)
ICT-related Experiences of SMEs
Human Resources/Recruitment
Basics of Project Management
Accessible Workplace Design
Job Security/Work safety
First Aid
İş Yerinde Psikolojik Taciz (Mobbing)
Healthy Life in Office
Food & Beverage Service
Showcase Design
Virtual reality for SMEs – Google Cardboard
Wearable technologies with Lilypad
Solar Energy
Drone Operation
Introduction To Penetration Testing Training
Psychological Foundations of Effective Presentation
Training of Trainers - Types of In-Class Interaction
Training of Trainers - Use of Technology in the Classroom
Training of Trainers - Feedback on Assessment and Evaluation
Training of Trainers - Leadership and Management for Technology Integration
All Categories
Teaching in Higher Education
3D Design
Entrepreneurial Woman with Informatics
Web Design
2D Design
Web Design Tools
Desktop Programming Language
Office Applications
Cloud Technologies
Productivity Tools
Photos and Videos
Information Assurance
Digital Marketing
Communication Skill
Presentation Skills
Self Improvement
Business Development
Healty And Safety Office
Shuttle Services
New Technologies
Do Your Job Via Internet
Future Technologies
Project Management
Effective Presentation Techniques
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Psychological Foundations of Effective Presentation